Looking Back At 2021

Author: Dan The Marketeer
Date: December 20, 2021

WOW. How are we in the final days of 2021 already?!

Only feels like yesterday it was summer and I was planning the second half of the year. Madness!

And what a year it has been for the world. Full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and never a dull day.

And as we approach the end, there’s no better time to take some time to think back and reflect.

This is something I’m doing personally as well. Sometimes we get so deep into day-to-day life, we neglect taking some time to think back and reflect of how far we’ve come. It’s such an important process.

SO MUCH has happened in the last 12 months, so there’s a lot to cover. I’m going to split it into three parts:

Part 1: Marketing, webinar & event highlights as well as general world events that have impacted the marketing world

Part 2: Client wins & highlights

Part 3: Highlights for our business

Part 1: Marketing, webinar & event highlights

The biggest event of the year for Marketing (in my opinion) has been the IOS updates.

In short, this is where Apple introduced some updates to protect all of their device users from a lot of digital marketing practices.

It was great news for the consumer, and I’m all for making life better for us all.

But for businesses and advertisers that run a lot of PPC ads, it was a challenge.

And it did leave me with a few sleepless nights as I was worried about the impact it would have on my clients and thus my business.

But after a lot of worrying, learning and adapting, we survived and came out on top.

It’s still more than possible to run PPC ads profitably after IOS. Sure, it’s harder now. And more costly. But it still works for the majority of advertisers.

So all in all, it’s not been so bad. Great for the consumer, and lessons learnt for us advertisers. Win-Win.

The next big event of the year was the slow return of physical events, on the back of the worldwide countering of the pandemic.

At time of writing it seems that the pandemic is pushing back again and forcing physical events to be limited and reduced, but it’s still promising progress compared to 2020.

But the key point here is that whether you run an event physical or virtually, you can still make a success of it. There are ways of engaging with people over virtual events that make them just as good (and in some cases better) as physical events. And if anything, these come with lower costs – so more profit on the table!

Who knows when physical events will be fully back to normal. And life back to normal in general for us all.

But this leads me to the trend that is undeniable in 2021, having started in 2020. And that’s entrepreneurs ability, and people in general, to adapt and overcome hard times.

It’s been amazing to see so many entrepreneurs grow over the last 12 months, including ourselves and our clients. It’s difficult times for us all, and we’re not quite through it yet. But these difficult times are forcing us to adapt and grow faster and in directions we may not have considered before.

And I think that’s just amazing. We human beings are amazing. We adapt, we survive. And that is worth celebrating in itself!

Last but not least, I’ve got to mention the video shorts battle between Youtube and TikTok.

TikTok turned video shorts into a very regular and common way of giving valuable information in a short amount of time.

And boy, does Youtube know that. So being the biggest video platform on the planet, Youtube set out to counter TikTok and introducing a #shorts platform of it’s own. It’s still early days, but the general perception is publishing shorts on Youtube will bag you more views than a standard video.

And it takes a fraction of the time to record, edit and publish.

So if you haven’t considered doing video shorts for your Youtube and social media content in general, get started whilst shorts are still hot!

Part 2: Client wins & highlights

Next I want to look at some of the amazing wins and achievements we’ve helped clients make this year. I’m so proud of how each and every one of them have grown this year, and how we’ve been able to support them in this process.

Firstly, one of our amazing clients who ran their biggest 5-day workshop EVER earlier this month.

In total they had over 2,200 registered… about double what they’ve ever had before.

And over 1,700 of those came from our done-for-you Facebook Ads which I’m so proud of!

Next is a client who started running 2-day virtual events this year – 10 in total. And they’ve been a huge success, because (as I mentioned earlier) virtual events can be just as engaging as physical events when you do it right.

And for our part, we’ve helped them get over 10,000 signed up across the year for these virtual events. So over 1,000 per event. Again through our done-for-you Facebook Ads.

And finally, another one of our clients who ran a Facebook Challenge for the first ever time that went so well they ran a second shortly afterwards! And we were able to support them by doubling their signups with our done-for-you Facebook Ads.

So much WIN – I LOVE IT!

Part 3: Highlights for our business

Last but not least, I wanted to share some wins and highlights for us. 2022 has been an awesome year. A challenge yes, but despite that we’ve grown so much.

Firstly, we hired our first ever full-time employee Courtney. A huge step for us, with Courtney bringing years of marketing & management experience to help us to serve more clients.

Secondly, we rebranded ourselves (Thanks to Courtney) and upgraded our website to match. If you’re reading this on our website, let us know what you think of the new site…

We’ve also doubled in size over the last 12-months, with us now serving record numbers of clients through our done-for-you Facebook Ads services.

And all of this would be for nothing if we weren’t able to give back! At the very start of the year we joined St Catherine Hospice’s ‘Friends In Business’ program. This is a charity close to our hearts and one of several we’re able to support more and more as we grow.

Because what’s the sense in growing if you can’t help others?

On a personal note, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas, and a successful 2022.

Our Christmas Gift To You!

As a thank you for reading and as a little gift for this Christmas, I want to offer you a free copy of our guide: 25 Of The Best Ways To Promote Your Event or Webinar.

Helping our clients fill their events and webinars, or supporting them to do so themselves, via Facebook Ads is something we do 365 days a year.

How do we do this?  

Through our done for you and done with you services that you can learn more about here.

Whilst you’re here, I’d like to invite you to learn how The Marketeer continually filled the UK’s market-leading portfolio builder and property educator webinars and events over the last 24 months.

Finally, I have an ever increasing catalogue of free resources to help you fill your events and webinars.

Sell more. Inspire more. Change more lives.

Take care,


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