
Marketeer. Mentor. Husband. 

I’m Dan Todd and I founded Impactful Marketing in 2019 with one purpose in mind: to help others make a difference in the world through marketing. I’m hugely passionate about two things: 
Helping people
Contact me

10 Years of 
marketing experience

5 Years' experience in 
filling events and webinars

Certified Partner

Why did I start marketing?

At aged 12 I needed a life saving Liver Transplant. At 29, I survived a Heart Attack. In total 3 times over my lifetime I should have died – if not for the amazing NHS.

I share this to try to help you understand where my drive to contribute comes from. I owe life so much and I intend to give much more back to it with every breathe that I have.

And what better way to help others and to give back to this world than using my passion and skills for Marketing? 
And what greater impact can I have than if I can help experts to acquire large numbers of high-quality cost-effective leads? 

By helping a dozen experts and businesses.

I can actually help thousands of people simultaneously.

And so here we are today. I’m here armed with the knowledge and experience of Facebook Ad marketing, with a passion and sheer determination to make a difference.

If you feel you resonate with me and my story, and that I can help you to help others by acquiring large numbers of high-quality cost-effective leads– I invite you to get in touch and we can have a chat. 
National Apprentice Team 
of the Year 2015 Mentor
Author of two books, 
with a third in progress
Saint Catherine's Hospice
Friends in Business

What Can You Achieve With Large Numbers
Of High-Quality And Cost-Effective Leads?

This is a very important question to ask yourself.

Think about all of the;

People you can inspire
Lives you can help transform and change for the better
Long-term clients & customers you can create
Sales and profit you can make
Impact you can have on the world by having a successful, profitable and life changing business

When you can consistently and reliably obtain large numbers of high-quality leads cost-effectively, the skies are truly the limits for you and your business.

Free resources

Positive and impactful marketing

Before I sign off, I want to share a little about how our team like to work and the values we follow each and every day.

How we live our life, and do business, is incredibly important to us. We're here on this earth to make nothing less than a positive impact on others. 
We Get Results
 Do What We Say We'd Do, and So Much More
Love To Help and Live To Make A Difference
We Never Stop Learning and Improving
We Are Always Open, Honest and Empathetic 
We Bring Accountability, Inspiration and Energy
Case studies

Fire Walker at Tony Robbins 
UPW @ London 

BA Hons in Business
Management and IT

Internet Business Diploma holder
from the Internet business School

Let’s work together

Thanks so much for taking the time to read.

Fill the form in if you’d like to get in touch to discuss how we can help you to get large numbers of high-quality cost-effective leads from your FB Ads.
Contact Form Main
"Life is damned short. Don’t wish for more time, focus on making the most of that time. "
- Dan Todd
Impactful Marketing Ltd, 54 Gladstone Lane, Scarborough, YO12 7BS
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