It’s a question I get asked often, and the answer may just surprise you…
It’s a great question. Unlike more traditional advertising (direct mail, newspaper/magazine ads, etc.), digital advertising (PPC ads, social media, etc.) is very easily tracked and measured.
Advertisers can easily see stats on their ads including views, clicks and conversions, as well as any other social specific engagement. This is just one of many reasons digital marketing is vastly superior to more traditional methods.
Frequency is also something that can be measured, and understanding it is key to any advertising success. Frequency refers to just how many times a person has been shown your advert. If the number is less than 1.0, it means not every person in your selected audience has seen it yet. If it’s 1.4, everybody has seen the ad once and more and more are seeing it twice. And so on.
This can then be compared to other stats, in particular the conversion. This will allow you to see how frequent an ad must be shown to get the most conversions.
Now why am I telling you this if I’m going to answer the original question anyway? Because that is the answer, right there. Do that activity, and find out.
I know on average how frequent my own audience has to see my ads to take action. That is 3 times, and no more than 5. I know how often my real estate clients audience needs to see their ad before taking action. Between 4–5. After then conversions drop off significantly.
Do I know what yours would be? If I did, I’d be lieing. Why? Because it’s different for every business, every industry, every niche. I’m not going to claim I know yours, or try to do an average of all of my clients. That is just simply not right.
Be wary of marketing “gurus” who claim to know a perfect marketing formula that works for any industry. Because they don’t, not really.
That’s why I instead like to teach my clients my test-measure-optimise system, of which frequency is just a tiny part. Test ads, measure the results, and optimise the ads accordingly.
For example, testing frequency may determine that ads for a client stop converting after a frequency of 4.0. In that case they will have other ads standing by to switch on and replace ads that go over 4.0. You get the idea.
So just how often does somebody need to see a digital advert before taking action? Test, Measure, Optimise and FIND OUT! Any other answer would be false and dis-honest.
A Gift For You
As a thank you for reading today I want to offer you a free copy of our guide: The 9 Key Components For Running Facebook Ads To Your Webinars And Events.
Helping our clients fill their events and webinars, or supporting them to do so themselves, via Facebook Ads is something we do 365 days a year.
How do we do this?
Through our done for you and done with you services that you can learn more about here.
Whilst you’re here, I’d like to invite you to learn how The Marketeer continually filled the UK’s market-leading portfolio builder and property educator webinars and events over the last 24 months.
Finally, I have an ever increasing catalogue of free resources to help you fill your events and webinars.
Sell more. Inspire more. Change more lives.
Take care,
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